connar@localhost:~$ whoami

unknown@kali:~$ whoami

unknown@kali:~$ ls -l /home/unknown/identity.json
-rw------- 1 root root 123 Oct 15 10:45 /home/unknown/identity.json

unknown@kali:~$ cat /home/unknown/identity.json
cat: /home/unknown/identity.json: Permission denied

unknown@kali:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for unknown: *************
Matching Defaults entries for unknown on this host:
    env_reset, mail_badpass,

User unknown may run the following commands on this host:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/find

unknown@kali:~$ sudo find / -name identity.json -exec /bin/sh \; -quit

unknown@kali:~# whoami

unknown@kali:~# cat /home/unknown/identity.json
    "Nickname": "Connar",
    "Location": "Currently in NL",
    "Interests": [
        "Malware Analysis",
        "Social Engineering (phishing techniques)",
        "Reverse Engineering",
        "doxing techniques (I mean OSINT)"
    "Age": "23"

Hi! Im connar. Im 23 and I am learning various cybersecurity topics and experimenting with different random tools I stumble upon.

I am mainly into malware stuff (analysis and dev) but also into forensics. To be honest, I am no expert, but I am trying to apply the Feynman's technique which helps me a lot to memorize and better understand the stuff I am learning (thus, this blog).

I also really like making CTF challenges, some of which you are going to see here in this blog:)

This is basically a journal into my journey into cybersecurity, keeping track of what I have learned and stuff that may seem useful to any of you that are reading it. Obviously, my posts and things I read from other authors and just try to try them myself, so credits go to them:)

That's a wrap I think. Hope you stick around, have fun:)